Annette Noyes began her working life as a professional ballerina and performed before international audiences for more than 13 years. Following her retirement from the stage, she resumed her schooling, graduated with honors, and became a paralegal. Underlying this eclectic professional life was a keen interest in the Tarot. Her yen for learning encouraged Annette to study the Tarot from an academic view point as well as an esoteric one. Through her studies of divination tools in general and the Tarot in particular, she has amassed a reservoir of knowledge from which she draws to interpret messages for clients seeking answers to their most important questions. Therefore, her knowledge of the Tarot is not simply that of intuitive information gathered from the symbols depicted on the cards, but also from the wealth of information she has studied regarding the archetypes of the Trumps, how the energies of certain gemstones are represented in the cards, Feng Shui and the Tarot, animal energies, and herbal lore as it pertains to the cards. All of this information is pulled together in her readings to make them perceptive, relevant, and real.
With a strong background in the arts, science, and writing, Annette approaches her Tarot cards with not only her inner sight but also practicality and common sense. She does not sugar-coat the truth and the wisdom of the Tarot; she'll tell you what you need to hear, not just what you may want to hear. Annette is not a typical “predictive reader” (i.e. you'll get anew job in six months, meet a tall stranger next week, etc.). Rather, she sees the energies surrounding her clients, in their hearts, or in their heads. This means those energies can pertain to a number of things such as conflicts within a relationship, excited mental energy, or sadness in the heart to name a few examples. It's then, during conversation with her clients, that Annette and her client begin to understand where and with whom those energies are working well or are disturbed. From there, a plan for resolution or the "next steps" can be formed.
Annette’s collection of vintage and modern cards allows those who ask for an in-person reading to choose a deck that resonates best with his or her personal light. In addition to choosing a deck, clients are encouraged to choose their own cards for their reading. It's Annette’s experience that when a person is seeking the wisdom of the Tarot, not only should they choose a deck that speaks to them, they should also tap into their own energies to choose the cards that will best deliver the message meant only for them. Annette believes that we are all masters of our own destinies, and what better way to take control of that destiny but by choosing one's own Tarot cards? However, Annette's intuition is so attuned that she's perfectly able to connect with a client over the phone or via email.
In addition to providing personal readings for her clients, Annette also lectures on the history of divination and the Tarot, is a frequent guest on Sacred Journeys Radio (blogtalkradio.com/mysticalawakeningsradio), and donates her time and reading skills at charity fundraising events. Annette also travels to appear at public and private events all across the country. She's a regular reader at the Body Mind Spirit Expos, Victory of Light Expo, Great Conjunction Psychic Fairs, and expos and fairs in Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and North Carolina to name a few. See her "events" page for a schedule of all public appearances. You may also engage Annette to offer readings at your next private affair or charity function! Contact her via email at theemeraldboxturtle@gmail.com to arrange the details and discuss costs and fees.